viii. PREFACE.
much valuable help in supervising and correcting
the manuscript of this work for the Press, as also
for her assistance during its passage through the
printer's hands. Without her kind offices, I fear it
would have been much more imperfect in every
I also owe to Mr. Miller Christy a debt of
gratitude for the help he has so ungrudgingly given
in preparing the manuscript of this Catalogue for the
press, as well as for the trouble he has taken in
making the needful business arrangements for bring-
ing it before the public. In both these respects, his
technical knowledge has been of the greatest possible
service to me.
I am duly sensible of the imperfections, literary
and scientific, of this work, and would ask my critics
to bear in mind that it has been prepared largely from
my own notes, with few opportunities for visiting the
Metropolis, and in intervals snatched from the engage-
ments and demands of a busy professional life.
Head Street, Colchester.
February, 1898.