4 The East Anglian Earthquake. 261. A terrible one in Cumberland. (Dr. Short.) 287. One ruined a great part of Worcester. (Dr. Short.) 424. In Cornwall; great losses ; many killed. (Dr. Short.) 483. At Canterbury; did great hurt. (Dr. Short.) 534. Somersetshire, with great damage. (Dr. Short.) 677. At Glasgow; destroyed many people and houses. (Dr. Short.) 844. York, very hurtful. (Dr. Short.) 1000. In Cumberland; swallowed up people, cattle and houses. (Dr. Short and contemporary chronicles.) On March 29th of this year a general European earthquake is recorded; no particular place mentioned. Possibly coin- cident with the Cumberland earthquake. 1014. In Cumberland; much people and cattle lost. (Dr. Short.) 1019. In Scotland; much people and cattle lost. (Dr. Short.) 1107 or 1114. Lincolnshire; walls of Croyland Church in course of building "gave way, and the south wall was cracked in so many places that the carpenters were obliged to shore it up with timbers till the roof was raised." Coin- cident with violent earthquake in Italy. (' History of the County of Lincoln,' Anon., 1834, vol. i., p. 311.) 1133. Aug. 4th ; morning. In England, very violent. Loud subterranean noise heard ; houses thrown down. (Matthew of Westminster; Gentleman of the University of Cambridge ; Dr. Short, &c.) 1185. April 15th, 16th, or 17th. All England, and especially at Lincoln, where the Cathedral and many other buildings were thrown down. Hollinshed speaks of this as " a sore earthquake,......such a one as the like had not been heard of in England since the beginning of the world." (Mallet gives following references :—Dom Bouquet, t. xvii., p. 465, t. xviii., pp. 60, 188, 328; Martene et Durand ; Rerum Anglic. Script, &c. This earthquake is not recorded by Dr. Short.) 1186. After middle of September. Throughout Europe, and especially in England, Calabria, and Sicily, in all of which places great structural damage was caused. (Matthew of Westminster, &c. ; Mallet. An earthquake which over- threw many buildings is recorded by Matthew Paris as having occurred in 1187 ; possibly identical with foregoing.) 1246. June 1st, 9th hour. Especially in Kent, where several churches are said to have been " overturned." V. Hoff gives the date as May 19th. (Higdens's ' Polychronica';