10 The East Anglian Earthquake. Connal, nine miles east of the lighthouse, rent by the shock. Three slighter shocks felt at Oban on April 19th. (Edinb. New. Phil. Journ., vol. xxxvi.: Mallet.) 1841. July 80th, 8 a.m. Comrie, Perthshire; chimneys broken and walls rent at Garrickrow, Ross, Duneira, &c. Extent of shock given as follows :—E. Newburgh (38 miles), W. Dalmally (about same distance), N. Glenlion (30 miles), S. Alloa and Stirling (20 to 30 miles). Dykes thrown down in many places ; loud noise. Many shocks felt the same day and during every month of the year. (Brit. Assoc. Rep., Manchester, 1842.) 1863. Oct. 6th, about 3 h. 22 m. a.m. Midland and southern counties, Wales and Ireland. Extended north- wards to Doncaster, Huddersfield and Clitheroe; east to Market Rasen, Peterborough and Bedford ; south to London, Dorchester, and Plymouth; west to Dublin and Wexford. Shock felt most strongly at Hereford, Ross, Brecon, Monmouth, Newport and Galway. Pelt also at Derby, Lan- caster, Ulverston, Harrogate, Malton, Scarborough, Bury St. Edmunds, Brighton, Isle of Wight; also at Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Market Harborough, Burton-on-Trent, Gloucester and the neighbourhood of the Cotteswold Hills, Taunton, Cheltenham, Exeter, Dudley (crockery broken and clocks stopped), Worcester, &c. At this last place some chimney-pots displaced; at Congleton (Cheshire), bricks and chimneys displaced. Felt also at sea, 20 miles from Milford Haven. In some places loud rumbling noise heard, par- ticularly at Hereford and Burton-on-Trent. (' Times,' Oct. 7th, 1863.) Houses injured at Sellack, in Herefordshire. (See present Report, under Ashby Parva.) 1865. Jan. 27th, shortly before 6 h. 10 m. At Hempsted Court, near Gloucester; a wooden shed thrown down. Other shocks on same day felt at Beeston Observatory, near Not- tingham, Leicester, Chulford near Stroud, Brighton, Liver- pool, Usk (Monmouthshire), and on the previous day in London (Kennington), Newport (Monmouth), and Cardiff. On 29th at Sunbury, and on the 30th at the same place. On Feb. 1st at Beeston again. Several European earthquakes and Hecla active about these dates. (' Times,' Feb. 1st, 4th and 9th, 1865.) 1869. March 15th, a few minutes after 6 p.m. East Lancashire and borders of West Yorkshire. Violent at Accrington, Haslingden, Rosegrove and Waterfoot, lasting 7 or 8 seconds; perceptible at Blackburn, Bury, &c.; a momen- tary tremor in Manchester. Also felt at Pendleton, Cheet- wood and Hull. A chimney said to have been thrown down