12 The East Anglian Earthquake. a-plastering the Steple of St. Peter's, in this town, and upon the uppermost scaffold, that the Steple parted so wide in the midst that they could have put their hand into the crack or cleft, and immediately shut up close again, without any damage to the workmen (who expected all would have fallen down), or to the Steple itself. Most of the houses here and elsewhere shook, and part of a chimney fell down on North Hill; and very many who were sensible of it were taken at the same time with a giddiness in their head for some short time. In witness of what is here related, I have hereto set my hand. Robert Dickman, Minister of St. Peter, Colchester." —' History and Description of the Ancient Town of Col- chester,' by Thomas Cromwell, 1825, vol. i., p. 188. This record is from the parish register. The record relating to Coggeshall is quoted from ' Bufton's Diary,' by the Rev. Bryan Dale in his ' Annals of Cogges- hall," 1863:— " 1692. September 8th being Thursday and ye same day that Jacob Cox dyed about 2 o'clock there was an Earthquake at Coxall and many towns beside hereabouts and at London and several other Countries we heard and ye news-letter said it was at ye same time in Holland and ye rest of ye provinces in ye Netherlands—I was in our garret at that time and heard ye house crack and perceived it shake and was afraid it would fall and therefore ran downstairs." The next records are in the year 1750:— Thursday, February 8th (o.s.). " Between 12 and 1 o'clock afternoon an earthquake was felt throughout London and Westminster; the councellors in the court of king's bench and chancery in Westminster Hall were so alarmed that they expected the building to fall; and in the new buildings about Grosvenor Square People ran out of their houses, the chairs shaking, and the pewter rattling on the shelves ; a slaughterhouse with a hayloft over it was thrown down in Southwark, a chimney in Leadenhall-street and another in Billiter Square, several chimeys and part of a house near Horslydown. "On enquiring we find that the shock was felt at Deptford and Greenwich to Gravesend, at Dagnams3 and Paynesbridge, between Rumford and Brentwood, at Coopersale near Epping, at Woodford, Walthamstow, Hertford, Highgate, Finchley,— 3 "Another shock was felt here half an hour after the first."