The East Ant/Han Earthquake.
9. In the case of dislocation of walls and chimneys, the
direction of fall or twist.
10. The superficial geology so far as known.
Through the courtesy of Mr. A. E. Gibbs, an inquiry for
particulars respecting the county of Hertfordshire was made
public through the columns of the ' Herts Advertiser and
St. Alban's Times ' of May 10th.
The large accumulation of notes, letters, and newspaper
cuttings secured through these various sources having been
sorted and read, it was found necessary to at once open
correspondence with many of the writers, in order to elicit
further particulars, and, thanks to the assistance given by
Mr. White, but few observers who appeared to have noticed
any fact of importance, or who had failed to express them-
selves with sufficient distinctness in the first place, escaped
this form of application. It may be of interest to give here
the numbers of the letters and post-cards which were
finally received:—
It is with much pleasure that I take the present oppor-
tunity of thanking my numerous correspondents; and
although space forbids the mention of each individual to
whom I am indebted for information, furnished either directly
or through Mr. Symons or Mr. White, I cannot pass over