General Characters of the Disturbance. 25 followed by a series of weaker vibrations and accompanied by loud subterranean thunder. Lesser disturbances felt in various parts of Europe from the 2nd to the 5th of March ; most severely felt in northern Italy. Seismographs at Naples and Vesuvius not affected. (H. J. Johnston Lavis, in ' Nature' of March 24th, and Brit. Assoc. Rep., Southport, 1883.) 1881. March 16th, 12 h. 10 m. a.m. Another slighter shock at Casamicciola and Lacco; damaged walls and a tile factory thrown down. A slight shock on March 27th at 6 h. 45 m. a.m. (' Nature,' March 24th and 31st.) 1881. April 3rd, 1 h. 50m. p.m. The Island of Chios; three violent shocks, causing the total destruction of 45 towns and villages and the loss of over 4000 lives ; enormous fissures opened and great landslips caused from the hills and mountains. Shocks repeated almost daily to April 19th, 250 being noted since the first destructive disturbance. Many towns on the mainland were also seriously injured by the earthquake. Mount Vesuvius active. (' Nature,' April 14th, on authority of ' Daily News.') 1881. May 20th, night. Chios again ; two strong shocks bringing down several houses that had escaped the last earthquake. (' Nature,' May 26th.) 1881. June 9th, 12 h. 35 m. a.m. Switzerland; focus probably valley of Upper Rhone ; seven or eight oscillations accompanied by usual noise; bells rung, walls cracked, slates dislodged and chimneys thrown down. On this same date an earthquake was reported at Constantinople as having devastated 34 villages in the district of Van. ('Nature,' June 16th.) 1881. June 11th, 9h. 80m. a.m. Chios again; some structural damage. ('Nature,' June 16th.) 1881. July 22nd, 2 k. 48 m. a.m. Switzerland, France and Italy, extending over 8000 square kilometres. Preceded and succeeded by slighter shocks; chimneys thrown down and walls cracked in neighbourhood of Chambery and Aix- les-Bains. (' Nature,' Aug. 18th, on authority of Swiss Seismological Commission.) 1881. Aug. 26th, night. Chios and Tchesme ; said to have been more severe than the shock of April 3rd; great destruction of property. ('Nature,' Sept. 1st.) At noon on this date a shock in Nottinghamshire. (See previous catalogue, p. 11.) 1881. Aug. 27th, 4 h. 45 m. p.m. Gorey, Ireland. Felt at Courtown House. (' Nature,' Sept. 15th.) 1881. Sept. 10th, about 8 h. a.m. Italy, in the Abruzzi; several houses damaged and a few people killed and