General Characters of the Disturbance. 27 at Naples influenced by disturbance. (H. J. Johnston Lavis's ' Notices on the Earthquakes of Ischia of 1881 and 1883,' Naples, 1883; and Brit. Assoc. Rep., Southport, 1883.) 1883. Sept. 23rd. Casamicciola again; two strong shocks ; one house wrecked. (' Nature,' Sept. 27th.) 1883. Oct. 10th, morning. Bournemouth ; slight shock. (' Nature,' Oct. 25th and Nov. 1st.) 1884. Jan. 3rd. Sadakli, near Brussa (Asia Minor); some destruction caused. According to Prof. Forel, this was an "earthquake period" in Switzerland, Italy and Portugal, as numerous shocks occurred in this and the preceding month. ('Nature,' Jan. 17th.) 1884. Jan. 23rd. Many shocks during previous fort- night in the province of Castambul; minarets of mosques thrown down. (' Nature,' Jan. 31st.) 1884. Feb. 18th, (about) 1h. 10m. a.m. Essex; Mersea Island and neighbourhood. A slight shock accompanied by loud noise. (See present Report). 1884. March 25th, 9 p.m. Hungary ; many houses damaged at Djakovar. ( ' Nature,' April 10th.) 1884. March 29th, about sunset. Castambul: some old buildings thrown down. ('Nature,' April 3rd.) Many other earthquakes of great destructiveness occurred during this period, both in the New and Old Worlds, and without here entering into details it may be pointed out that the year 1883 witnessed one of the most stupendous volcanic outbursts of modern times. I refer to the great eruption at the Island of Krakatoa in the Sunda Straits, which commenced in May, reached its maximum on August 26th, and lasted to October 10th, producing great changes in the physical geography of the island, overwhelming large numbers of villages, and causing the loss of many thousand lives.11 Since the Essex earthquake, the following shocks have been recorded in England and the Channel Islands:— 1884. June 24th, about 5 a.m. Colchester; a slight shock felt by all the inmates of Mr. Henry Laver's house. (Information given by Mr. Laver.) 1884. Aug. 26th, morning. Jersey; violent shaking; crockery rattled ; rumbling sound. No damage. 11 A Committee of the Royal Society is at present engaged in drawing up a report on this catastrophe.