28 The East Anglian Earthquake. 1884. Nov. 14th, 5 h. 10 m. p.m. Lancashire; a loud report heard at Clitheroe; furniture shaken and horses nearly thrown to the ground ; no damage. 1884. Dec. 25th, about 10 h. 20 m. p.m. Wiltshire ; a slight shock felt at Barnsbury, about time of the first shock of the great Spanish earthquake. (Alfred Batson, in ' Nature,' Jan. 1st, 1885.) 1885.12 Jan. 22nd, about 8 h. 42 m. Devonshire and Somersetshire; Taunton, Bradford, Creech, the Crewcombe Valley, Combe Florey, Lydeard St. Lawrence, Handy Cross, Stogumber, Monksilver, Bampton, Shillingford, Combehead, W. Buckland, Nymhead, &c. Sound like the passing of a heavy traction engine, houses violently shaken, crockery rattled; a piece of wall thrown down at Bampton. (Local papers; Mr. Edward Parfitt, in 'Nature,' Feb. 12th; and Mr. W. A. Sandford, Ibid, Jan. 29th.) Since the commencement of April, 1884, the following shocks have occurred on the Continent of Europe :— 1884. April 9th, 8 p.m. Italy ; Spoleto; violent; bells rung and clocks stopped. ('Nature,' May 15th.) 1884. April 10th, 9 h. 50 m. Italy; Cosenza and Paola ; slight. (Ibid.) 1884. July 19th, night. Agram ; subterranean rumbling ; no damage. (' Nature,' July 24th. This place is subject to frequent shocks.) 1884. July 23rd, 2 h. 40 m. p.m. Ischia ; strong shock at Forio; rumbling noise ; no damage. ('Nature,' July 31st.) 1884. Aug. 3rd, afternoon. Bosnia; several strong shocks at Foca. ('Nature,' Aug. 7th.) 1884. Aug. 5th and 6th. Iceland; violent earthquakes at Cape Reykjanes, which split masonry of lighthouse. Con- nected with the new volcanic island which had risen off here at the end of July. (W. Or. Spence Paterson, ' Nature,' Nov. 13th.) 1884. Aug. 7th, 2 a.m. Italy, along the whole range of the Alban Hills; two chimneys thrown down at Ariccia. (' Nature,' Aug. 14th.) At 3 h. 30 m. two shocks at Rome and as far as Porto d'Anzio. (Ibid.) 1884. Sept. 2nd. Lower Austria ; Ban en Voeslau and Gainfam and as far as Wiener Neustadt; no damage reported. (' Liverpool Evening Express,' Sept. 3rd.) 12 It was reported in the newspapers that another shock had been felt at Lexden, on Jan. 18th, about midnight, but inquiries in the neigh- bourhood proved that this statement was erroneous. See ' Nature,' Jan. 29th, p. 289.