46 The East Anglian Earthquake. Eastern Counties Asylum, for Idiots, Essex Hall.—No special damage was sustained here beyond the cracking of some ceilings. Mr. W. Millard, the superintendent, reports that five clocks were stopped, two with their pendulums swinging E. and W., and three swinging N. and S. Middleborough and North Hill.—Many chimney-stacks, new and old, thrown down. The "Marquis of Granby" Inn, and the premises of Mr. S. Bond much injured by stacks breaking through roof. High Street.—Not much damage visible from the front, but many chimney-stacks thrown down at the backs of the houses. The following cases have been noted:—Mr. E. J. Hall's (corner of North Hill), stack thrown into the yard to the rear. At the back of Mr. Bewer's (No. 23), a stack fell on to the roof of the 'Essex Standard' office. Messrs. George Ager and Sons, (No. 27), stack fell through skylight. Mr. J. B. Harvey, deputy mayor, states that in his premises adjoining the Public Hall all the bells were simul- taneously rung and the gaseliers set swinging. Mr. Harvey informs me that his impression was that the gaseliers swung from S.E. to N.W. Of two clocks, one swinging N. and S. and the other E. and W., neither was stopped. Respecting the sound accompanying the shock, he adds that the noise increased in intensity and resembled that of " a locomotive passing through the premises and shaking the house and offices and also the Public Hall adjoining to their founda- tions." The duration of the disturbance was estimated at from 8 to 10 seconds. At the Bank (Messrs. Mills, Bawtree, Dawnay, Curzon & Co.) a clock was stopped; pendulum swinging N. and S. At Mr. Hopwood's (No. 47) a French clock was stopped; swing of pendulum S. 6° E.—N. 6° W. On the other hand, two regula- tors, swinging in the directions S. 25° E.—N. 25° W. and W. 16° S.—E. 16° N., did not stop. At Mr. Hill's six clocks were stopped, all swinging E. and W., among them a large regulator which, as Mr. Hill informed me, was stopped exactly at 9.18. At Mr. Hildyard's (No. 11) a clock (American) was stopped; plane of oscillation N. and S.