50 The East Anglian Earthquake. the house of Messrs. Hart and Fromant, consisting of an oblong block, with its greatest length E. and W., and stand- ing eight or ten feet above the building, was cracked obliquely at the base, and the upper part cracked longitudinally from the top, The upper part of the stack was displaced, and projected over the lower part about two inches towards the E. The eastern side of the basal crack was lower than the western. Mr. Hart reports that in this house two or three clocks, with pendulums swinging E. and W., were stopped, and one clock swinging N. and S. was not stopped. The premises stand upon ground having a considerable slope from W. to E., a circumstance tending to complicate the effects of the wave, as appears from the facts that while the clock stoppages seem to indicate a N. and S. movement, the chimney was displaced towards the E., and in the house plates were thrown down from a dresser facing E., and other articles were also thrown towards the same direction. At Messrs. W. and E. Cheshire's establishment the shock was severely felt, glass and china goods being thrown off helves and much damage caused by breakage. The house of Mrs. George Bawtree, in Queen Street, was greatly damaged by the fall of chimney-stacks. Castle and Museum.—In the museum many of the objects were shifted, the direction and amount of twist depending upon the shape of the object and its mode of attachment, so that little information was derived from this source with respect to the prevailing direction of the disturbance. A Roman amphora under a glass shade, standing on a table-case in the middle of the museum, and an Anglo- Saxon nrn, also under a shade, were both twisted round with their stands and shades towards the W., so that the labels which faced S. before the earthquake faced S.W. afterwards. The shells in the collection in the entrance-hall were, as might have been expected from their shapes, much rolled about. One specimen card, with shells attached, was shifted side of some thick brickwork, the other slanting. One brick is broken through in the oblique crack. With this exception the crack is in the mortar. This house has the appearance of being substantial,"