62 The East Anglian Earthquake. Mr. Moore's (comer of Brook Street) and neighbouring cottages, the stacks in the former case breaking through the roof and causing much damage. Chimneys were also thrown down at the "Duke of York" Inn. Writing from No. 12, East Hill, Mr. Wilson Marriage reports that three clocks in his house were stopped, one swinging E. and W. and the other two N. and 8., the time being given as nearly 9.20. Mr. Marriage is of opinion that the general direction of the seismic movement was S.E. to N.W. At East Mill flour sacks were thrown down, and the shock was felt by some men in a barge on the river between the mill and the Hythe. These men stated that " they distinctly saw the wave pass across the meadows lying between East Bridge and the Tendring Hundred Railway." Unfortunately the direction of the movement was not given at the time. Hythe Hill.—At Messrs. Davey, Paxman and Co.'s Engine Works, on the top of the hill, a wooden girder, about 16 feet long fell over towards the south. This girder was supported in an upright position by beams near the roof, in a long building having an E. and W. direction. Mr. Shenstone reports with respect to this building as follows :—" A plate fixed into its east wall supporting a beam (which beam helps to support the roof) was pulled two inches out of the wall and has remained so. As the wall is quite uninjured I should attribute it to the roof having been bowed in, and not to the wall being bent." St. Leonard's Rectory, Hythe.—The Rev. Dr. Manning reports that at the Rectory two distinct shocks were felt, closely following one another, a booming subterranean noise accompanying the first. Out of five clocks, all with pendulums swinging E. and W., only one was stopped (9.20). All the bells were set ringing. " Two heavy books thrown nearly three feet from a book-shelf standing against south wall (inner) of dining-room. Ewer overturned in basin standing against outer south wall in bedroom. Two cracks in inner wall of house running N. and S. Two large panes of plate-glass broken in windows (with stone mullions) looking N.W. and S.W. respectively. Two stacks of chim- neys shaken down, falling N. and W."