Descriptive Report. 53 At the Hythe Railway Station chimneys were thrown down, and at the Gas Works the large gas-holders were seen to oscillate, hut no important damage has been reported. To the west of Colchester, as already stated, the damage was but slight. The Water-tower, a massive structure about 140 feet high, supporting a tank capable of holding a quarter of a million gallons, and standing on Balkerne Hill, the highest part of the town, at the junction of North Hill, Head Street, and High Street, was seen to oscillate but sustained no damage.28 Head Street.—At the Post-office the ceilings in some of the rooms were cracked, and a clock swinging W. 10° S.—E. 10° N. was stopped. At Head Gate the " Elephant and Castle " was much cracked in front, the cracks running irregularly and in opposite directions along lines of weakness in the mortar. A gap about an inch wide appeared between the inn and Mr. Fuller's auction-rooms adjoining. The latter, an almost new house, was but little injured. At the house of Mrs. Johnson (No. 40) a clock (Austrian regulator) was stopped ; plane of vibration of pendulum W. 8° S.—E. 3° N. St. Mary's Rectory.—Two clocks stopped, one swinging E. and W. and the other N. and S.; also a clock which had not been going for months, and of which the plane of vibration was N. and S. was started into action. A mantelpiece (loose before) against a wall standing E. and W. was thrown down, and a china ornament on a mantelpiece against a wall having a similar direction was thrown forwards (towards the N.) and broken. A candlestick standing back on another mantelpiece (also E. and W.) was moved forwards towards the S., so as to project over the edge of the mantelpiece. The house rocked considerably and all the bells rang, the sound accompanying the disturbance appearing to approach from the S.W. The Rev. J. W. Irvine, who kindly supplied the above information to Dr. Alexander Wallace, further stated that the mistress of St. Mary's School informed him " that the floor at the south 28 Mr. H. Laver informs me it has since been discovered that there is a slight vertical crack in the central upper part of each arch.