Descriptive Report. 63 from E. to W., and the ground felt to heave. Inside the house walls and ceilings were cracked and bells rung; glasses and ornaments were thrown down and water-jugs turned over, two being spilt to W. Two heavy chests of drawers with backs to E. were moved three inches from the wall and the drawers thrown open. A chiffonier full of books, standing against a W. wall, had all the books shifted forward an inch or two towards the E. and the doors thrown open. A heavy leaden cistern, also against a W. wall, was thrown in the same direction, towards the E. Clocks with pendulums swinging E. and W. were stopped, and the hall lamp swung for some time from E. to W. Milk in six or seven pans was splashed up the eastern sides of the pans 21/2 to 3 inches higher than on the western sides. At a farm-house, about a quarter of a mile from the Rows, a large chimney was partially thrown down at its eastern side, in the same manner as shown in the preceding sketch, and left in a very tottering condition. At this house an old- fashioned cabinet clock, with pendulum swinging N. and S., was not stopped, but the doors (facing W.) were thrown open, showing an impulse from the E. The whole of the foregoing evidence, as furnished most lucidly by Mrs. Dennis, points (with the exception of the clock stoppages), to a distinct movement E. and W. at this place. Layer Breton, a little over half a mile S.W. of Layer Rows. —One side and the roof of the church reported to be much damaged; the rectory roof broken through by chimney-stacks, and the chimneys at the Hall and one or two other houses overthrown. I have been informed by Mrs. Dennis that the worst case of damage was an unoccupied farm-house on Layer Breton Heath. Some clocks in the village were stopped, and several eye-witnesses out of doors at the time stated that the houses were moved towards the W. On the whole, the damage sustained here was much less than at Layer-de-la-Haye. Layer Marney, a little over a mile W. of Layer Breton, appears to be the western limit of structural damage in that