Descriptive Report. 69 Fig. 6.—The " Rose " Inn, Peldon.. steady at its N.N.E. end, but was moved seven inches from the wall at the S.S.W. end. A table-lamp fell towards E.S.E., and a small clock was thrown from the mantelpiece a distance of about 5 feet." Peldon Mill, south-east of the village, on the Mersea Road, opposite the " Rose " Inn, and the adjoining buildings, were considerably damaged, the upper part of Mrs. Went's house having been choked up with brickwork and debris on the morning of the disturbance. Mr. Wilson Marriage, in a letter dated April 25th, states that the house was " cracked in all directions, and it will probably have to be entirely rebuilt. The inmates described the sensation as being thrown against the walls, and inducing a clinging to anything for support." Glass and crockery was thrown down and broken, bedsteads, piano and furniture moved about 9 inches