82 The East Anglian Earthquake. obliquely across about the middle, and the upper portions dis- placed nearly two inches towards the N. In West Street the Independent Chapel was much damaged, both inside and out; a chimney over the vestry-room was shattered but left standing ; the solid ornamental parapet round the building was partly thrown down on the N. side ; the inside walls were cracked, and plaster and cornices, together with the gaselier, thrown down from the ceiling. In this street nearly every chimney was levelled. At Mr. G. Stebbing's a pane of glass in a shop door was broken ; the occupier states :— "When the earthquake came I did not know what it was, but I heard the house rattling, the tins of lobster and salmon rolled about the shop by scores, things were tumbling down in all directions; I felt myself reeling and I caught hold of one of the iron pillars, thinking I was going to be buried alive where I stood." At the National School a part of the chimney fell and the children assembled were much alarmed, but no other accident occurred. The following special cases of destruction have been re- ported and were in great part confirmed during our visit:— High Street: the Gothic (Mr. George Harvey) rendered temporarily uninhabitable; Mr. E. Harvey's, two stacks dis- lodged and other damage ; Mr. Smith's (parish clerk), the old Post-office (Mr. J. Pratt), Mr. J. F. Turpin's, Capt. Harvey's, Mrs. Kidby's, Mrs. Rayner's, Mr. H. Brown's, and other premises much shattered. The same remark applies to the following inns:—"Black Boy" (end of East Street, Mr. J. Blyth); " Ship at Launch " (near Quay) and yacht stores adjoining; "Anchor" (Mr. D. Ham) damaged in rear; "Live and Let Live" (Mr. Chiswick); "Falcon" (Mr. N. Ham); "Sailor's Return," all the chimneys down; the "Grosvenor" (Mr. J. Goodwin), two stacks hurled into street; the "Greyhound" and adjoining premises (High Street). In East Street Capt. Bartlett's and neighbouring houses lost their chimneys; Mr. Schofield's premises were half unroofed. In New Road a row of eight houses belonging