Descriptive Report. 99 E.N.E. Mr. Lawrence adds that at his private house, about half a mile S. of the office, " a parcel of linen about a foot in height, folded for the mangle, was rocked violently from S.S.W. to N.N.E., but was not overturned." The office clock on the ground-floor, plane of vibration E.N.E.—W.S.W., was not stopped. The testimony is tolerably concordant that at Chelmsford the earthquake movement travelled ap- proximately from E.N.E. to W.S.W. At Crix, 6 miles from Chelmsford, on the Witham Road, Mr. Samuel Hall, F.C.S., informs me the shock was felt at 9.20; pictures were swung to and fro on the wall, the floor of the room heaved distinctly, and on the second floor the oscillation caused a servant to have a feeling of nausea. The shock was not felt in the basement; in the garden the rise and fall of the ground was seen and a subterranean noise heard. Chignal St. James. — Mr. R. M. Christy informs me that the shock was distinctly felt and bells rung in their house here. Chigwell Bow.—Shock not generally felt. Capt. P. M. Hayward, of Hainault Hall, who was in bed indisposed at the time, informs me that the house oscillated perceptibly, and the windows rattled in their frames for about 15 seconds. Movement apparently E. and W.; time about 9.20. Clacton.—Shock very slightly felt in some parts of the parish. Coggeshall. — Shock severe, but very little structural damage. A panic was caused among the girls in the National School, but no serious injury was incurred. In one house a looking-glass was thrown off a table and broken. Mr. George P. Beaumont, of Sunnybank, has been good enough to furnish the following report:— " I was sitting in my dining-room with my wife and two other ladies, on the morning of the 22nd April, 1884, when we all suddenly experienced an oscillation similar to that which would result from the passing of an express train through a railway-station, or heavy traction-engine along the road. Immediately the shock was over I looked at my clock and observed ' 20 minutes past nine.' Neither of my clocks stopped, the pendulum of one of which swings from