Descriptive Report. 103 of Grove House, reports that the shock was felt distinctly, " commencing with a severe wrench and then an up and down motion." The furniture rocked, especially a tall book- case, which appeared to sway N. and S. Clock on mantel- piece stopped at 9h. 18 m. 30 s. (probably a minute of error); pendulum swinging nearly E. and W. Bells hanging in a row N. and S. were swung but did not ring. No damage in immediate neighbourhood. A mile N., at Sand- ford Mill, the shock was severely felt; bells hanging in a row E. and W. were all rung. About 3 miles N. of Great Baddow a shed roof was displaced. Mr. J. Brittain Pash, of Rainsford End, informs me that a clock in his dining-room was stopped at 9.20 ; oscillation of pendulum N. and S. Great Bentley, 31/2 miles E. of Wivenhoe.—Sharp shock, with underground rumbling; oscillation of houses felt and bells in some cases rung; windmill severely shaken. Mrs. Kate T. Sizer, of Moorlands, states that she felt " two shocks directly following, the second smarter than the first." Great Bromley, about 6 miles nearly E.N.E. of Colchester. —Chimneys at Rectory reported to have been dislodged. Great Horkesley, 5 miles N.N.W. of Colchester.—Severely felt; no structural damage. House-bells violently rung, low rumbling sound heard, wall of room in Rectory seen to oscillate. Great Wakering, near Shoeburyness.—Mr. S. W. Poynter, in a letter to the ' Daily News,' reports that the shock was felt here, and distinct underground rumblings were heard. The oscillation of the house was felt and pictures on the N. and S. walls moved, whilst those on the E. and W. walls remained at rest. Duration estimated at from 5 to 7 seconds. Great Waltham, 4 miles N. of Chelmsford.—Oscillation of houses felt, a ceiling cracked, house-bells rung, and church bell "observed to sway as if prepared to strike." No other damage. Halstead.—Shock distinctly felt, especially in upper storeys of buildings ; a slight rumbling heard by some people ; house- bells rung, furniture, &c., disturbed. Colonel Arthur S. H,