106 The East Anglian Earthquake. noteworthy also, that the building commenced to move a few seconds before the " shock" itself was felt.43 Horndon-on-the-Hill.—Mr. S. W. Squier reports that the shock was felt here decidedly but slightly, by one or two families who were in bed or quietly employed. Pictures and bell-pulls shaken. Ilford.—Shock felt, bells rung, and ornaments thrown down at "Bed Lion " Inn. Bells rung and oscillation ex- perienced in one or two other houses. Kelvedon, near Coggeshall.—Shock felt with considerable force, rumbling noise heard, buildings shaken, and most bells rung; no structural damage. A girl had a pail of water thrown from her hand. At the vicarage a lady was thrown down against the wall of a passage, and in another house a parrot was jerked off its perch. The shock was severely felt by a man down a deep well. Mr. E. G. Varenne informs me that in his house the disturbance was distinctly felt, especially in the higher storeys, where the oscillation was so great that the inmates had to hold on to the furniture to prevent themselves being thrown down. A "great lumbering noise" was heard at the same time. On the E. wall of a room on the ground floor a picture was displaced towards the N., and another on the N. wall was moved towards the W.; one clock out of five was stopped, time 9.20; swing of pendulum E. and W., one bell rang; no damage to building. Shock felt at Inworth Grange. Langdon Hills.—Oscillation felt. Latchingdon, 51/2 miles S.S.E. of Maldon.—Mr. E. A. Pitch reports that two clocks were stopped here at 9.20; pen- dulums swinging E. and W. Leigh, on the shore of the Thames, 3 miles W. of Southend. —Shock distinct; hells rung, chandeliers swung, and agita- tion among church bells heard by workmen in the church. No damage. Legton.—Slightly felt in some houses. No details received. Little Baddow, near Chelmsford.—A correspondent from this place states that he was reclining out of doors, when he 42 See p. 34.