Descriptive Report. 107 felt a wave-like movement of the ground, which almost turned him over; the movement was repeated immediately after. A lady seated writing in the house felt the rocking of the chair and table and saw the swaying of the walls. At the Rectory the walls rocked to an alarming extent. No damage. Little Waltham, 4 miles N. of Chelmsford,—Mr. Arthur Goodchild reports :— " At 9.20. a.m. by a clock on my dining-room mantelpiece facing E., I was seated opposite the fire, with the chair swinging on the front legs, when I felt it moved in an extra- ordinary manner, as though the chair were being violently pushed by somebody or something, and I turned to see what it was; at the same time my wife, who was seated at the breakfast-table behind me, noticed an unusual movement of articles in the room; my youngest daughter, also seated at the table, started up with some alarm at the movements taking place, and called my attention to the pictures which were swinging, and to one in particular. The room stands directly N. and S., and at the N. end, on each side of the window, bang two large prints, one of which, owing to the wall not being perfectly perpendicular, hangs clear, and is suspended from two nails on short wires. I perceived that this picture was swinging violently from E. to W. From these observations I told my family particularly to observe the time, and that these movements denoted an earthquake, the wave having come either from E. to W. or the reverse direction...... The only thing thrown down was a screen supported against the E. wall of a bedroom looking W. I am pretty accurate as to the time, for, having a good compensation-balance watch, I keep all clocks tolerably accurate." Maldon.—Smart shock felt in some parts of the town, bells rung, doors opened or shut, oscillation of buildings seen; no serious damage. Some people state that there were three distinct waves, the last being the most severe ; but the evidence on this point is not conclusive. A man putting in a pane of glass felt the window recede and then come back; and another man who was filing some metal is re- ported to have missed his stroke and to have been thrown forwards over his work. At the post-office a pane of glass in