108 The East Anglian Earthquake. the front window was cracked across; window faces nearly N.E. At Mrs. Andrews's, 55, High Street, a kitchen clock on a shelf against a wall facing about S.E. fell forwards off the shelf, and things generally in the house were much shaken. The driver of the Maldon train is reported to have felt the rocking of the engine ; direction of railway N.W. and S.E. Mr. E. A. Fitch states that he was on the sea- wall, looking across the Blackwater at the time, and felt or heard nothing, but saw two barges coming down the river move some yards back towards the N.W. without any apparent cause. At Brick House the effects were very slight, the movement of the stable alarming two boys, and things in the house being made to rattle. Mr. Fitch adds that it was nearly high tide, and all the people in boats on the river heard the rumbling, and some thought they had struck suddenly upon a sandbank. The Stansgate coastguards rowed ashore, thinking that a torpedo had exploded some- where. No trustworthy evidence respecting any movement of the water in the estuary could be obtained. On May 10th Mr. W. Cole and I visited this town, at the invitation of Mr. Fitch, in order to attend a meeting con- vened by the Mayor on behalf of the Earthquake Belief Fund, and we were enabled to gather a few additional details. At the " Old Star" Inn (Mr. James Eves) a clock was stopped at about 9.17, plane of vibration N. and S.; three 36-gallon casks in the bar were rocked to and fro, and a cockatoo was thrown off its perch. At cottages in the Mill Road bells were rung and crockery rattled. Mr. S. Stratford, plumber, noticed that the articles appeared to swing from N. to S. Mr. Eves informed us that two clocks swinging N.E. and S.W. stopped, and clocks vibrating E. and W. were un- affected. Mr. Float reported that in a house near the station two clocks vibrating N.W. and S.E. were not stopped, whilst in a neighbouring house two clocks swinging NE. and S.W. were both stopped at 9.20. Manningtree.—Shock felt with some force; no damage, Clocks stopped at 9.18. The Ipswich train, waiting in the station, was caused to oscillate, and the passengers were