116 The East Anglian Earthquake. minutes; direction of oscillation approximately N.E. and S.W. Time about 9.24 ; clock error unknown. Wickham Bishops, 2 miles N.N.W. of Maldon.—Shock felt rather severely; bells rung, furniture shifted; slight struc- tural damage at the Rectory, where, according to a report received from the Rev. M. Clutton, two heavy chimneys were badly shaken, and one of them was so shattered that bricks fell to W. and damaged the roof; one clock stopped, swing of pendulum E. and W.; time not recorded with accuracy. Mr. Dixon's mill reported damaged. Witham.—The Rev. Frederick Spurrell, Rector of Faulk- bourne, near this place, reports that the shock was felt, although no damage was done. In the Rectory a rumbling sound was heard by some of the household, bells were rung, the floor appeared to rise, the house rocked " like a ship at sea," and the iron bars of shutters were rattled. Only one tremor was felt, lasting six or eight seconds. With respect to the meteorological conditions Mr. Spurrell states :— " Since 10 p.m. of the previous night the barometer had risen, as it had all the day. On April 21st, at 8.30 a.m., it stood 29'97 in.; at the same time on the 22nd it was 30.02 in. Thermometer 52° as against 48° the day before; lowest temperature, night of 21st, 30° as against 31° the day before." On the 22nd, at 8.30 a.m., the weather was fair ; wind N.E. At Witham railway-station the signal-boxes and a goods- shed oscillated considerably; workmen in a coal-yard were nearly thrown down. In the town, ornaments and earthen- ware articles were thrown down, bells rung violently in many houses, and clocks stopped. Wix (or Wickes), about 4 miles nearly S.E. of Manningtree. —Oscillation felt sharply at about 9.20, furniture moved, clocks stopped; no damage. Woodford.—Shock not distinctly felt, but clocks were stopped ; at Anworth House, (Mrs. Dykes), a pendulum clock, swinging nearly N.N.W. and S.S.E. (time not noted), and at Prospect House (Mr. R. Letchford), another clock swinging E. and W. stopped at 9.20.