Descriptive Report. 123 Christchurch Park (Mr. T. N. Fonnereau), also the shock is reported to have been severe ; bells were rung and the house swayed perceptibly. Mr. Cl. A. Biddell, writing from Bishop's Hill, states that the movement of the floor rocked the chair in which he was seated, the walls and ceiling oscillated alarmingly, and the glass pendants, suspended from a glass cone surrounding the gas burner and attached rigidly to the ceiling, were violently shaken and made to jingle. Ten bells on a wall running N. and S. were all rung and moved for some minutes after the shock. Time 9.18; barometer 30 in.; therm. 40°. The gardener in the lower ground felt nothing. No damage to house. Mr. J. E. Taylor, F.G.S., in a letter to 'Nature' (April 24th, 1884, p. 602), written the day of the occurrence, states:— "I was sitting down at 9.18 a.m. when the first shock occurred, and it nearly overbalanced me. I felt it must be an earthquake oscillation, although I had never experienced anything like it before, and accordingly waited and watched for the next. The oscillations followed each other for about three seconds, and apparently travelled in a north-north- easterly direction. I underwent quite a new experience, so vivid that I am not likely to forget it. The sensation approached that of nausea." In surveying the widespread effects of the shock as felt at Ipswich, and comparing the numerous records from this town with the scanty details from the smaller villages to the south, which are in reality nearer the centre of disturbance, it is evident that here, as at Colchester, the large number of reports, and the varied experiences narrated, must be, as already explained, in a great measure ascribed to the larger accumulation of buildings and observers within a given area. At Kesgrave Hall, 5 miles E.N.E. of Ipswich, a clock stopped about 9.20 ; pendulum swinging E. and W. Kettleburgh.— Shock felt. Kirkley, near Lowestoft.—Shock felt. Layham, near Hadleigh.—Shock felt strongly throughout parish about 9.20; house-bells rung and clocks stopped.