Descriptive Report. 125 Stonham Parva.—The Rev. W. B. Coytes reports that the shock was distinctly felt at the Rectory about 9.20 ; a piano was rocked and the house much shaken. The effects were experienced also at the Hall. Stowmarket.—Shock distinctly felt in many houses. At Hill House it is stated that bottles and ornaments were thrown down from the mantelpiece, A man at work upon some repairs connected with the Congregational Church is reported to have been injured by an oak beam which was thrown down by the vibration. Time given about 9.15 (?). Rumbling sound heard in some places. Stradbrook.—Felt distinctly by a few people. Sudbury.—Severely felt in most parts of the town; two distinct shocks reported separated by a short interval; rumbling sound heard. Bells rung at one of the banks and in some other houses; pendent objects made to oscillate, furniture and small objects displaced ; the goods in a china warehouse caused to clatter violently. Oscillation strongly felt at St. Peter's Church during morning service, and the congregation panic stricken. Strong shock felt at St. Bartholomew's Farm. In some cases the inhabitants rushed alarmed into the streets ; oscillation likewise felt by pas- sengers in trains. No damage or injury to individuals reported. Time about 9.30 (?). Swilland.—Shock severe enough to cause inhabitants to rush into the streets in a state of alarm. Thurston.—Shock felt. Trimley.—Shock distinctly felt. Washbrook.—Shock felt at Amer Hall. Wetherden, near Haughley.—The Rev. C. J. Goodhart, writing from the Rectory, has supplied the following details:— " Long. 56' 43" E. Lat. 52° 13' 46" N. In case it may be worth anything, I send you word that the earthquake happened within a few seconds, one way or the other, of 9.18 Greenwich time here. My watch has not been altered for a twelvemonth, and three weeks ago it was just six seconds fast of Greenwich time, allowing 3' 47" for difference of