Descriptive Report. 137 the Temple; also at the Charing Cross Hotel. Mr. White informs me that a gentleman walking along the Strand at the time felt a sudden sensation of giddiness and nausea, causing him to reel. Houses of Parliament.—Movement of scaffolding said to have been distinctly felt by workmen engaged upon some repairs to the Victoria Tower. Reported to have been felt also in the library of the House of Commons. Adelphi.—Writing from 12, York Buildings, Major Main- waring Jones reports that he felt the shock slightly in his chambers ; time by Westminster clock as nearly as possible 9.19. Victoria Street, S.W. —The shock was felt by a lady at 3, Morpeth Terrace, who was sitting writing at 9.20, when the table and chair were tilted and her pen was lifted. From the direction in which she was seated the movement appeared to be S.S.W. and N.N.E. A second and stronger oscillation followed almost immediately, and this set " two old-fashioned lustres on the chimneypiece ringing sharply;" the vibration of the pendants continued for some minutes (direction not noted). A servant moving about felt nothing, but another servant sitting writing in the kitchen felt her chair tipped towards the N.N.E. The house in question is in flats, and these effects were experienced on the second floor. The disturbance was also felt by the occupants of the top floor. (Report received from Mary A. Ewart.) Chapel Street, S.W.—The Hon. E. Abercromby states that the shock was felt here (No. 21) by his brother at 9h. 19m. 30s. a.m. (corrected). No record was given by his barograph. Ebury Street, S.W.—Vibration felt at No.' 146 at 9.20. Claverton Street, S.W.—The Rev. W. Linton Wilson, who was staying here, informs me that Mrs. Wilson, who was in bed at the time (9.20), noticed the swinging of the bed curtains ; the direction of the movement was N.N.E. and S.S.W. Gloucester Street, Warwick Square, S.W.—Miss Florence Howard reports that on the third floor she felt the swaying