Descriptive Report. 139 movement, and took the time, which was 9.32 by his watch, afterwards found to be 15 minutes fast, thus making the time of the shock 9.17. Queen's Garden's, Bayswater.—At a young ladies' school here, one of the pupils in an upper room had a book shaken from her hand by the shock. Kildare Terrace, Bayswater.—Major-General Hutchinson, writing from No. 16, reports that he felt the shock distinctly whilst at breakfast. Having experienced earthquakes in India, he recognized the motion and immediately took the time (9.18). Norfolk Terrace, Bayswater.—Mr. Thomas E. Dallas, of No. 5, reports that he was lying in bed on the second floor, and felt the vibration of the bed. There appeared to be two or three sets of vibrations, the first and second set separated by a very short interval. Paddington.—Oscillation felt at Accountant's Office, Great Western Railway Station, at 9.18. Portsdown Road, Maida Vale.—Mr. F.B. Edmonds, writing from No. 72, reports as follows:—" (1) The shock occurred between 9.15 and 9.20; certainly before 9.20. (2) The shock lasted about 5 seconds. (3) The rocking motion was accompanied by a peculiar vibratory motion quite new to me." These effects were experienced on the third floor, and were noted at the time, but were not ascribed to an earth- quake till later in the afternoon, when the news was published in the evening papers. Clifton Gardens, Maida Vale.—Shock felt by a lady in bed at No. 49 ; bed oscillated and bed-curtains rather violently shaken; windows slightly rattled—not so much as when a heavy van passes : time 9.35 ; watch about 15 minutes fast. These effects were observed on the second floor ; persons moving about on the lower floors felt nothing (Report by Miss C. Waring). Kensington Park Gardens, Notting Hill.—At No. 19 a lady in bed at 9.20 felt a gentle swinging movement of the room; direction apparently E. and W. (Report from Mary Waddi- love). Mr. William Crookes, F.R.S., informs me that the shock was not felt by any person in his house at No. 7.