146 The East Anglian Earthquake. Myddelton Square, Pentonville.—Shock felt at No. 3 by Mr. E. L. Garbett. Highbury Grove.—Mr. E. Parry Stevenson reports that at No. 21 a clock was stopped, "between 9.15 and 9.20." Another clock was stopped at No. 5 (Mr. H. W. Davis) about 9.25 (?). My friend, Mr. John Spiller, at my request was good enough to ascertain the direction of the swing of the pendulums of these clocks, which proved in both cases to be E. and W. Dalston.—Shock felt by a person kneeling at the time (9.20); folding doors partly opened by the movement. Amherst Road, Hackney.— Writing from No. 175, Mr. Graham Grossmith states that he was sitting in his dressing- room, facing N., and was suddenly rocked backwards and forwards from N. to S. ; at the same moment Mrs. Grossmith felt the bed in which she was lying oscillate in the same direction ; time about 9.15 (clock error unknown). Hackney Downs.—Mr. John Earl, of 8, Goulton Road, writes as follows:— " I was sitting reading in an arm-chair, at about 25 minutes past 9 by Hackney Church, when I felt my chair vibrate 5 or 6 times from N. to S., sensibly moving me. Being surprised at this unusual occurrence, I looked round and saw the glass pendants, hanging from two old-fashioned glass lustres standing on the marble mantelpiece of the dining-room where I sat, in active motion, swaying from N. to S., and immediately came to the conclusion that this was caused by a disturbance of the earth..... The room in which I sat is on the ground floor, and is built on the original gravel soil. The house is one storey high. Outside, the road was perfectly quiet, no vehicle of any kind passing at the time." Clapton Common, Upper Clapton.—Mr. Ogden, of the firm of Ogden, Bowes and Co., states that at his private house, No. 93, a clock stopped at about 9.21; pendulum swinging E.N.E.—W.S.W. Shadwell.—The following report from this neighbourhood has been published by Mr. E. P. Payne, New Crane Mills :— "At about twenty minutes past nine this morning a loud