152 The East Anglian Earthquake. Whitstable.—Shock felt. Woolwich.—Shock felt rather sharply in the eastern part of the Royal Arsenal. Mr. Wallace, manager of the Gasworks, felt the vibration of the ground; bottles, &c, on the shelves in his office were shaken ; a clerk writing at a desk had his pen jerked forward ; time about 9.20. Surrey. Battersea.—Shock said to have been felt by Mr. Clayton Woodhouse; bed oscillated and a bell-rope set in motion. Brixton.—In Lambert Road and Coldharbour Lane the shock was felt distinctly, in both cases by persons in bed. Croydon.—Shock felt. Dorking.—Shock felt slightly at Bentsbrook on the Holm- wood, by a person in bed in an upper room. Bed shaken two or three times (apparently B. and W.), then a pause and another similar shake ; time about 9.20 or 9.25.; felt also by another lady in Dorking. (Letter from Mrs. Bernard to Lieut.-Col. Godwin-Austen, ' Nature,' June 12th, 1884). Esher. — Vibration felt by a lady in bed, about 9.20. (Report from Mr. E. T. Dowson). Kew.—Mr. G. M. Whipple, F.R.A.S., of Kew Observatory, reports as follows :— " We have a good record of yesterday's earthquake, in our magnetograph traces. It took place at 9.17.18, a.m. G.M.T. deflecting the bifilar magnet, which moves N. and S., con- siderably, and the declination magnet, which swings E. and W., slightly. I cannot hear of any one in this neigbourhood having felt the shock. The clock was compared at 10.40 a.m., and we had both sun and star transits yesterday, so that the time is correct to a minute." These facts indicate that at Kew the chief movement was N. and S., with a slight inclination E. and W. Richmond.—Clock stopped at 9.20 at 6, Whitchurch Villas ; pendulum swinging E. and W. (Report from Mrs. Hertslet). Wimbledon.—At ' Elmhurst,' standing on a spur of Wim- bledon Hill, the canopy of a bed in one of the bedrooms was seen to shake, and a clock was stopped in the dining-room,