176 The East Anglian Earthquake. North-western area. Shock felt at— 1. Altrincham, Cheshire.—Keuper series ; Carboniferous a few miles to N. and N.E. 2. Brassington, Derbyshire. — Yoredale Rocks; near junction of Lower and Upper Carboniferous. 8 and 4. Derby and Findern.—Keuper series; near out- crop of Upper Palaeozoic. 5. Leicester.—Near junction of Triassic and Jurassic, Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian rocks of Charnwood Forest, a few miles to N.W. 6. Market Harborough, Leicestershire.—Lias. 7. Husband's Bosworth, Leicestershire.—Lias. 8. Ashby Parva, Leicestershire.—At junction of Lias and Trias. Old rocks a few miles to N.W. 9. Wolverhampton.—Lower Bed; Bunter to W. and Coal- measures to E. 10. Sidbury, Shropshire.—Devonian over Carboniferous. 11. Birmingham.—Trias ; Carboniferous and Permian a few miles to W. 12. Rugby.—Lias. Mr. Topley writes :—" Deep boring in Trias. Palaeozoic rocks probably deep." 13. Leamington. — Trias. Mr. Topley states that the Palaeozoic rocks are probably rather deep here. 14 and 15. Guildsborough and West Haddon, North- amptonshire.—Lower; Oolite, near junction of Lias. 16 and 17. Watford Court and Weedon, Northamptonshire. —Lias. 18. Worcester.—Trias. Upper Silurian (Malvern Ridge), a few miles to W. 19. Banbury, Oxfordshire.—Lias; near junction with Lower Oolite. 20. Cheltenham, Gloucester.—Lias. 21. Bicester, Oxfordshire.—Lower Oolite.82 22. Oxford.—Middle Oolite. 23—25. Stroud, Dudbridge and Stonehouse.—Lias, near junction with Lower Oolite. 26. Bristol.—Trias. Carboniferous rocks in neighbour- hood. 27. Street, Somersetshire.—Lias. Carboniferous rocks in neighbourhood. 28. Exeter.—Trias. Close to outcrop of Millstone Grit. 82 The position of Bicester has been erroneously entered in the map (Pl. III.) ; it should have been outside the limiting circle.