188 The East Anglian Earthquake. and 152), the former giving 9h. 20 m. and the latter 9 h. 17 or 18m.96 The accuracy necessary for determining the epicentrum by means of time-records can in fact be only attained by care- fully regulated clocks, of which the error can be frequently determined by electric comparison with some standard time- piece or by the transit instrument as used in ordinary astronomical work. Even in such cases a slight error may be introduced in the absence of seismograph records, owing to different phases of the same shock being timed at different stations, instead of the same phase of the earthquake-motion. From the requirements thus shown to be necessary for exact observation in this branch of seismology, it is evident that it would be useless to make use of the present records for determining the origin of the disturbance with any precision; but it will nevertheless be of interest to give these observations, since a certain amount of information can be derived from them.97 The following list contains all the records which appear to be trustworthy; mere estimates as to the probable time or statements that the shock occurred "about" a certain time have, except in special instances, been neglected:— 1. Colchester......9 h. 18 m. Mr. Hill's large regulator (p. 46). 2. Do.......9 h. 20m. Mr. Aberdein's 3 clocks (p. 49). 3. Do.......9 h. 20 m. (nearly). Mr. W. Marriage's 3 clocks (p. 52) 4. Do.......9h. 20m. Rey. Dr. Manning, St. Leonard's Rectory 5. Birch..........9 h. 20 m. (precisely). Mr. J. Wilkins (p. 58). [(p. 52). 6. Gt. Wigborough. .9 h. 17m. Rev. F. Watson (p. 72). 7. West Mersea___9 h. 18 m. Observed at White Hart Inn (p. 75). 8. Do. ___9h. 15 m. Observed in School-room (p. 76). 96 The Kew record is erroneously printed in the text (p. 152) as 9 h. 17 m. 18 s., instead of 9 h. 17 or 18 m. Mr. G. M. Whipple, the Superintendent of the Observatory, informs me that neither the Green- wich magnetograph nor their own is adapted for recording the time of the shock with the necessary degree of accuracy for Seismological treat- ment. The time-scale of the Greenwich instrument is 14 mm., and that of the Kew instrument 16 mm. to the hour, so that the difference of 2 m. between the records is only about 1/2 mm. on the scales, while the spot of light is more than a millimetre wide in both instruments. 97 The methods of employing time-data for determining the origin will be found fully described in Milne's papers (Trans. Seism. Soc. Japan, vol. ii., p. 69 ; vol. iii., p. 132; and vol. vii., pp. 1 et seq.).