194 The East Anglian Earthquake. 7. Colchester. Heavy books thrown towards N. at St. Leonard's Rectory, Hythe (p. 52). Clock with pendulum swinging N.—S. started into action. Ornament thrown towards N., and candle- stick moved towards S. (St. Mary's Rectory, p. 53). 8. Colchester. Spire of Lion Walk Congregational Church fell to N. 35° E. (p. 54). Fall of chimneys to S.W. preceded fall of spire (Dr. Wallace's report, p. 55). 9. Colchester. Clock and mirror at Broom Hill thrown towards W.S.W. (p. 56). 10. Birch. Clock with pendulum swinging E.—W. set going. 180 slates capable of falling E. or W. caused to rattle, but not thrown down (Mr. Joseph Wilkins's report, p. 59). 11. Layer-de-la-Haye. Two chimneys broken on E. sides; chests of drawers moved towards W.; books shifted towards E.; hall-lamp swung E. and W.; leaden cistern moved towards E.; milk splashed up E. sides of pans. Doors of clock-case thrown open towards W. (Mrs. Dennis's report, pp. 62—63). 12. Langenhoe. Chest of drawers moved towards N.N.E. (Rev. W. Parkinson's report, p. 65). Piano at Moor Farm moved by an impulse approximately E. and W. or N.E.—S.W. (Mr. G. J. Symons, p. 69).103 Lamp fell towards E.S.E. (Ibid., p. 69). 13. Peldon. Lamp-glass projected towards W.N.W. (Mr. G. J. Symons, p. 67). 14. Salcot. Milk spilt to N. and S. (Rev. E. Musselwhite, p. 74). 15. West Mersea. Mullion of church-window thrown W.S.W., and chimneys fell to S.W. (Mr. G. J. Symons, p. 74). Chimneys thrown towards N.N.E. (p. 76). Cracks at St. Peter's Well and Cross Farm had an E.—W. direction (pp. 76 and 77). 16. East Mersea. Damage to church indicated a movement N.W.—S.E. (Dr. H. C. Sorby, p. 78). 17. Old Heath. Chimney-crack apparently indicating a movement S.W.—N.E. (p. 81). 18. Wivenhoe. Mr. J. E. Wilkins's chimney and gable thrown towards S.W. (p. 84). Brickwork from four chimneys at Wivenhoe Hall thrown N.E.—S.W. (p. 87). Dr. Sorby's yacht apparently moved E. and W. (p. 91). 19. Bocking. Water in a tank caused to oscillate in a direction parallel with N.W. 4° W.—S.E. 4° E. (Mr. E. B. Knobel's report, p. 95). Iron plates and pendent gas-burners oscillated in a plane N.W.— S.E. (Ibid., p. 96). 20. Chelmsford. Bundle of linen rocked S.S.W.—N.N.E.; workman on 103 By constructing a diagram showing the position of the piano before and after the shock, it will be seen that the movement which caused the shift mentioned must have had a direction more or less E. and W., or between E. and W. and N.E.-S.W.