Miscellaneous Concluding Observations. 197 Direction No. II. Birch and Layer-de-la-Haye. — No. 10 indicates a movement more or less E.-W., but not sufficiently definite. No. 11 (lamp swing) indicates more distinctly E.-W. movement. Direction taken:—E.-W. No. 12. Directions not sufficiently definite. Direction No. III. Peldon. — Line of projection (No. 13), W.N.W.-E.S.E. Direction taken:—W. 22° N.-E. 22° S. No. 14 bears no reference to position of main axis. No. 15, mullion and chimneys probably cases of mere overthrow. Direction No. IV. West Mersea.—Cracks in ground (No. 15) assumed to have opened at right angles to line of propa- gation. Direction taken :—N.-S. Nos. 16, 17, and 18 not sufficiently definite ; No. 18 much confused by reflexion. No. 19 prolonged falls quite outside area of damage, intersecting Direction No. I. just off Foulness and Direction No. IV. about two miles S.E. of Dengey ; both these positions improbable for epicentrum. Direction No. V. Chelmsford.—Of No. 20 observations the rocking of the bundle of linen the most weighty. Passes through Abberton. Direction taken :—N. 22° E.-S. 22° W. No. 21, no observation of sufficient weight. In No. 22 the milk apparently oscillated at right angles to probable line of propagation (? transverse vibrations). No. 23 (taken as N.E.-S.W.) intersects Direction No. I. at Colchester; this position for epicentrum improbable. No. 24 bears no relation to main axis. Direction No. VI. Felstead. — No. 25 intersects Direction No. I. between E. and W. Donyland, and then passes through Wivenhoe (? reflected wave from that place). Direction taken :—E.-W. No. 26 intersects Direction No. VI. near Little Birch; im- probable epicentrum. Direction No. VII. Heybridge.—No. 27, observation of great weight; intersects Directions Nos. I. and IV. on each side of the Strood. Direction taken:—E. 22.5° N.-W. 22.5° S. Direction No. VIII. Little Waltham. — No. 28 intersects Directions Nos. I. and IV. at West Mersea. The direction given by the swinging picture, E.-W., taken. Nos. 29 and 31 fall completely away from area of damage. No. 30 nearly at right angles to probable line of propagation (? transverse vibrations).