206 The East Anglian Earthquake. phenomenon to a vorticose movement of the ground. In view of the complicated character of earthquake-motion as revealed by seismograph tracings, it seems not improbable that the rotation may in some cases be caused by such a twisting motion. Of the causes tending to produce vorticose motion may be mentioned the interference of direct and reflected waves moving transversely, the interference of the normal and transverse waves, &c.; but whatever cause may be the true one, it would be quite impossible to determine in such cases the direction of propagation from the direction of rotation of the chimney. It may here be pointed out that Mr. Kinahan's remark (p. 66, note) with reference to the chimney-twists at Langenhoe is fully in accordance with the conclusions at which we had arrived on other grounds (p. 202), vit., that this place suffered by the interference of direct and reflected waves. At Wivenhoe, where the general direction appears to have been much confused, the chimney-twists may possibly have been also due to a vorticose movement. But although a twisting motion of the ground may in some cases be admitted, it has been shown by Mallet (Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., vol. xxxi., part 1, 1846) that a simple rectilinear movement would be quite competent to produce the effects observed. Were this straight line motion the cause of the twists observed by us, it might have been expected, as pointed out by Milne,108 that the rotation in the same locality would have been very frequently in opposite directions, as it is certain that the centre of friction could not be expected to bear the same relation to the centre of gravity in all chimneys. As we have already stated, however (p. 65, note 30), the effect of this opposite rotation was only occasion- ally observed during our visit of inspection, the majority of the chimneys in each district having been twisted in the same direction. It is probable, therefore, that a simple rectilinear movement played but a subordinate part in producing the twists observed after the present earthquake. The best dynamical treatment of rotated columns, &c, that 108 Trans. Seism. Soc. Japan, vol. i., part 2, p. 33.