210 The Rast Anglian Earthquake. No data have been available for determining the maximum velocity of displacement.110 5. The earthquake occurred during a period of seismic activity which will probably be found to have been exceptionally great throughout the world. 6. No special meteorological conditions appear to have been connected with the disturbance. 7. In general character the movement of the ground during the present earthquake appears to have resembled that which has been registered by seismographs in Japan. 8. The duration of the shaking cannot be ascertained with precision, the estimate at different places varying between two and thirty seconds. 9. At many places, and especially at those some distance from the origin, two distinct series of vibrations were 110 According to the scale of the Swiss Seismological Commission, the earthquake would be classed as a No. 8, or between 8 and 9. The Forel scale is as follows :— 1. Very faint; recorded by a single seismometer; noticed only by practised observers. 2. Registered on several seismometers of different construction; noticed by a few persons at rest. 3. Duration or direction noted; felt by a number of persons at rest. 4. Felt by persons while moving; shaking of movable objects, doors, windows; cracking of ceilings. 5. Felt by everyone ; furniture shaken, and some bells rung. 6. Sleepers awakened; general bell-ringing, clocks stopped, visible swaying of trees ; some persons ran out of buildings. 7. Overturning of loose objects ; plaster falling, general fright; buildings not seriously injured. 8. Chimneys falling ; walls cracked. 9. Partial or total destruction of buildings. 10. Great disasters ; overturning rocks, forming fissures and mountain- slides. M. Forel, who is one of the leading members of this Commission, writes of a severe earthquake as " ce beau tremblement de terra." Seismologists in this favoured country are fortunately not often required to pronounce judgment upon such a calamity as that which forms the subject of our report; but our earthquake will probably be looked upon by the Swiss Commissioners as a fairly "good case," although not entitled to take a front rank among such catastrophes.