PREFACE. The present report upon the most serious natural calamity that has befallen the county of Essex within the historical period has occupied the greater part of our scanty leisure time since its occurrence, and to many of our readers it may appear that the volume which we now offer as the result of our labour is out of all proportion to the magnitude of the event. In detailing the facts of the earthquake at such length we have been actuated by the desire of producing a report which we think we may venture to regard as typical of a "local investigation" in the sense insisted upon by the Corresponding Societies Committee of the British Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science. We are of opinion that such investigations should deal as exhaustively as possible with the facts relating to any particular subject, and at the same time that the legitimate conclusions should be drawn from these facts with especial reference to the district over which the local society extends its operations. This position we have endeavoured to take up in the following report, although of course a phe- nomenon affecting such a wide area as the present earthquake passes beyond the province of a purely local subject, and we can only express our regret that we have not been able to secure to a greater extent the co-operation of other societies in neighbouring counties. It may, however, be fairly pleaded that earthquakes of this magnitude are of such rare occurrence in our country that seismology as a subject is hardly pursued, and that very few persons know how or what to observe under such circumstances. It is hoped that our report may for this reason be found of some service to seismologists in general, although we can but sincerely wish that their opportunities for investigation may be few and far between. The whole subject is of such great complexity, and its practical investigation is surrounded by so many difficulties, that it must as yet be regarded as one of the most infantile of the modern branches of Science. It is only by the labours of those who, like