10 On the walls are further cases of common Fish, and more views of the Lodge and other Forest scenes. A fine specimen of an old wooden water-pipe, such as was formerly used by the London Water Companies and is still occas- ionally found under London streets, is placed near the entrance doorway. These pipes were made from the hollowed trunks of elm trees tapered to fit each into the next length, an iron collar being inserted into the butt end to prevent splitting. They were used by the various Companies until 1808 or 1809, when cast-iron water mains came into use and soon superseded the more clumsy wooden trunks. The Museum is open free daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Essex Field Club is an association of ladies and gentle- men, interested in natural history and archaeological matters, who seek to advance the study of these subjects. The Club welcomes the co-operation of persons of like tastes. Enquiries as to membership should be addressed to the Honorary Secretary, Essex Field Club, Essex Museum, Romford Road, Stratford, E. 15. The annual subscription is One guinea. Essex : Printed by John W. Phelp, Queen's Road, Buckhurst Hill.