16 ROMANO-BRITISH SETTLEMENT AT CHIGWELL. which is referred to in our county histories, and of which there is a tradition* that before the Norman conquest it had a village with a church of its own. Of this church or village, as apart from Chigwell, no record has been found. May not the tradition result from a filtering down through long ages of the fact of a Romano-British settlement having existed on that spot ? It must also be noted that there is an ancient ford-way over the river Roding at the spot indicated on the plan, so that it is just possible that the Romano-British track ran east and west instead of north and south. The whole question is involved in obscurity, but I am not without hope that some light may yet be thrown upon the subject. No. 18. Vessel of White Ware, 33/4IN. High, originally coated with a Red Pigment. * See Salmon's History and Antiquities of Essex, 1740, page 36; also Morant's History and Antiquities of Essex, 1768, Vol. I., page 167.