9 The Club's library is placed in the Curator's room in the North Gallery ; it contains many books on natural science, sets of natural history periodicals and books relating to the county of Essex, &c. The upper floor of the Museum is reserved by the Corpora- tion for exhibition of technical models, &c, belonging to the Institute. ORIGIN OF THE COLLECTIONS AND CONDITIONS AS TO ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS. In addition to the miscellaneous collections and specimens which have been accumulated during the 20 years of the Club's existence, the Museum is greatly indebted to several members and friends for collections of very considerable value. Of these donors the following may be more particularly mentioned :— Dr. H. Laver, F.L.S.—Local collections of Lepidoptera, Mollusca, and Bats. Also the collection of Birds formerly belonging to the Colchester Natural History Society and mainly formed by the late Dr. Maclean. Mr. W. H. Dalton, F.G.S.—Extensive geological collections, includ- ing a very long series of Crag Fossils. The value of these has been greatly enhanced by the close personal supervision which Mr. Dalton has bestowed on the selection and arrangement of the specimens. Mr. Carvalho.—A large cabinet of geological specimens, principally from the earlier formations. (For the educational series.) Mr. G. P. Hope.—A collection of Essex Marine Algae, which has been catalogued by Mr. A. L. Batters, F.L.S., in the Essex Naturalist, vol. viii. Mr. J. C. Shenstone.—A Herbarium of Essex Flowering Plants. Mr. Brown.—A Herbarium of Flowering Plants, mainly from Essex. Rev. J. W. Kenworthy.—Many prehistoric and geological specimens, and the prehistoric collection from Skitts Hill, Braintree. Mr. J. E. Harting, F.L.S.—A collection of Hawks and Falcons with trappings, illustrating modern Falconry, and other specimens. Mr. G. E. Vaughan.—Series of Birds Eggs and Mollusca. (For educational series.) Messrs. W. and B. G. Cole.—Series of Insects, Flowering-plants, Mosses, marine specimens, &c. And Mr. W. M. Webb and Mr. A. P. Johnson have contributed collections of Pleistocene Mollusca, the Rev. A. F. Rowe and Mr. F. W. Reader prehistoric specimens and Mr. H. Mothersole, a set of Red Crag Fossils from Walton-Naze.