15 lower groups of plants, such as Fungi and Algae, coloured models will be required. These would cost from one to three guineas each, and as some scores would be needed, these groups alone would represent a very considerable outlay. An adequate students series of Vertebrates and Invertebrates, Plants and Fossils would certainly occupy 500 cabinet drawers, and those would cost about 18s. each. Again, specimens lose half their educational value if the student cannot have access to really good monographs of the several groups of the British fauna and flora, and it is estimated that a set of these (supplemental to the library of such books already in the Club's possession) would cost at least £300. It is evident, therefore, that there is ample scope for future development A good beginning has already been made; we have a magnificent building, many of the required cases and fittings, while the permanence and upkeep of the Museum is assured. The collections at present in hand form a really good nucleus of a county and students' museum, but a very considerable capital expenditure is still required to perfect the scheme. The time for discussing the use and mode of arrangement of local museums has almost passed. Volumes have been written, but very little has been done, at least near London. The writer pleads strongly that the plans now so carefully prepared should be carried into actual practice. The opportunity of doing this lies with our Essex Museum. The Head Quarters and Publishing Office of the Club are now at the " Essex Local and Educational Museum of Natural History of the Essex Field Club" (Passmore Edwards Museum), The Romford High Road, Stratford, Essex. All donations for the Museum and Library should be sent to the above address. Letters for the Secretaries may still be sent to Buckhurst Hill, or to the Museum. Specimens, books, &c, intended for the " Epping Forest Branch Museum of the Essex Field Club," may be sent to Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Chingford, Essex; but no perishable specimens should be sent there, but to the Head Quarters, where the Curator's workroom is established. [The Editor is much indebted to Mr. A. Cotgreave, Principal Librarian, for the loan of the block of the portrait of Mr. Passmore Edwards.]