6 The implements of the Palaeolithic Period were produced by chipping only ; they are usually of large size and appear to have been used simply in the grip of the hand, and not hafted in handles of wood or horn as was the case with the Neolithic imple- ments. Some may have been fastened to wooden pikes, forming heavy spears or javelins and so used against the large and powerful animals with which Palaeolithic man had to contend. The animal bones found associated with these implements of the River Drift, indicate species many of which are now extinct in or are foreign to Western Europe, e.g., the Mammoth, the Woolly-haired Rhinoceros, the Hippopotamus, the Urus, the Musk-ox, the Reindeer, &c. Of the River-drift people little can be said, as nothing but these rude implements remain to show what manner of men they were. However, the discoveries in the Bone-caves of England,