22 found in the very posi- tions where they were left by primaeval man in Palaeolithic times. At 8ft. below the ' floor' and about 12ft. from the sur- face of the ground, is a bed of gravel and sand 8ft. in thickness, contain- ing implements of older date: this bed is shown at the base of both the upper and lower sections. " To more clearly show the nature of the ' floor ' the 60 feet of the upper figure (where mark- ed) is engraved below to a larger scale : b is the 12 foot gravel containing rolled fossil bones and abraded Palaeolithic im- plements ; c is fine buff- coloured sand, often full of fossil shells of land and fresh-water molluscs; odd is the ' floor ' with its numerous unabraded tools and flakes ; in the part illustrated the ' floor' is in duplicate. After the men had made their tools on the ' floor ' where the lower d's occur, a slight flood of water covered up the tools with a thin coating of sand ; the men then walked over the newly deposited material, and made other tools on the new ' floor.' The two white streaks on the top of the upper ' floor ' are London clay mixed with sand. Sometimes the tools and flakes are to be seen in this clay, but of course they were washed into it in Palaeolithic times by floods. Above the ' floor ' is sand)- loam and loamy sand ; the uppermost part,