PREFATORY NOTE. The Yearbook and Calendar of the Club is intended to be pub- lished yearly, shortly after the close of the Club's official year. I regret that, owing to unavoidable circumstances, this year's issue has been much delayed. The Yearbook represents the business side of the Club's work. It contains no scientific matter, which appears in the Essex Naturalist, as hitherto. The Yearbook includes a Calendar of Fixtures for the year, an illustrated Record of the Club's Work in the Past, the Report of the Council and the Treasurer's Accounts for the past year, the Rules, the List of Members, and similar information. Suggestions for the improvement of future issues are invited. The Council desires to call attention to the fact that Ordinary Meetings of the Club are held and the Essex Naturalist is published on regular fixed dates (quarterly, on the 20th day of January, April, July, and October), as announced in the " Calendar " herein. Ordinary Meetings are held on the last Saturdays in October, November, January, and February, and either on the last Saturday in March or on the first Saturday in April (Annual General Meeting). There will be no fixed Ordinary Meetings in December or March. Additional Ordinary Meetings will be arranged for as may be necessary. Notice of all meetings (both Ordinary and Field) are given by circular. WILLIAM COLE. Buckhurst Hill, Essex, January 1908.