REDHILLS EXPLORATION COMMITTEE. Henry Laver, F.S.A,, Chairman. F. Chancellor, J.P. Dr. Philip Laver. Miller Christy, F.L.S. Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S. William Cole, F.L.S. Chas. H. Read, F.S.A. Rev. T. H. Curling, B.A. Francis W. Reader. W. H. Dalton, F.G.S. Col. O. E. Ruck, R.E. T. V. Holmes, F.G.S. F. W. Rudler, I.S.O., F.G.S. H. Wilmer, C.E., Hon. Sec. and Treasurer. This body was formed, in June. 1906, on the suggestion of the late Mr. I. Chalkley Gould, F.S.A., as a Joint-Committee of the Essex Field Club and the Essex Archaeological Society, with power to add to its number. It has since received the co-operation and support of the Society of Antiquaries, the Royal Archaeological Institute, the British Archaeological Association, and other leading English Archaeological Societies and archaeologists. The Committee's object is to investigate the numerous pre- historic mounds of red burnt clay, containing fragments of early domestic pottery, rude earthenware, slag, etc., which lie scattered along the margin of the estuaries and tidal rivers of Essex (and probably of other counties on the East Coast). In Essex, alone, there are several hundred such "Red-hills," varying in size from a few rods to several acres. These mounds have been a great puzzle to antiquaries for cen- turies and many theories have been advanced to explain their age and origin. Attempts to solve the mystery surrounding them have also been made, but without conclusive result, by Messrs. Atkinson, Stopes, Dalton, Laver, Gould, and Cole (see Essex Naturalist, pp. 170-183 : 1906). As a result of excavations carried on by the Committee at Langenhoe, Goldhanger, and elsewhere, during the summers of 1906 and 1907, much knowledge as to the structure and contents of Red-hills has been gathered, and they have been shown pretty conclusively to belong to the Late-Celtic Period, but their original use remains in doubt. It is hoped that this point will be cleared up by further digging. The Committee asks for subscriptions from individuals. All communications should be addressed to the Hon. Sec. and Trea- surer, Mr. H. Wilmer, C.E., St. Albans Crescent, Woodford Green, Essex. 21