RULES OF THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. (Revised at a Special Meeting held on 8th April, 1905.) Name and I.—The Society shall be called " The Essex Field Club." Its Head- Objects. quarters shall be in the County of Essex and its objects shall be the study and investigation of the Natural History, Geology, and Archaeology of the County of Essex (special attention being given to the Fauna, Flora, Geology, and Antiquities of Epping Forest) ; the publication of the results of such investigations; the formation of a Library ; the formation of a Museum, with or without local branches; and the dissemination of information on Natural Science and Antiquities.* Constitution. II.—The Club shall consist of Ordinary and Honorary Members and Associates, including Ladies; the number of Ordinary Members being un- limited, the number of Honorary Members being limited to twenty-five, and the number of Associates being limited to five. Management. III.—The management of the Club and the control of all its property, subject as to part of it to the provisions of the agreement set out in Appendix A, shall be vested in a Council, consisting of a President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant-Secretary, two Librarians, the Permanent Vice-Presidents for the time being, and twenty-five other Members, all of whom must be Ordinary Members of the Club; five to form a quorum. In addition to the Permanent Vice-Presidents established by Rule V, the President shall nominate four Members of the Council to act as Vice- Presidents during his year of office. Rotation of IV.—The President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant-Secretary, Libra- Officers. rians, and those four of the other Members of the Council who shall have been longest in office (reckoning from their original appointment or election if they shall not have been re-elected, or from their last re-election when they shall have been re-elected), shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election. If, in consequence of several Members having been elected or appointed at the same time, there shall be any difficulty in determining which four Members ought to retire under this rule, those Members who have been elected or appointed at the same time shall decide such question by mutual arrangement between themselves, or, in default of such arrangement, by lot. Vice- V.—Former Presidents, and future retiring Presidents, shall hold office Presidents. during membership of the Club as " Permanent Vice-Presidents " ; such Permanent Vice-Presidents to be ex-officio members of the Council, and to be eligible to hold any office in the Club. Recorders. VI.—Certain Members, not more than three in each town or district, may be nominated by the Council to act as " Corresponding Members " or "Recorders." The names and addresses of such Corresponding Members shall be printed with the list of Officers, and their duties shall be to record the occurrence of rare animals, plants, the exposure of interesting geo- logical sections, etc. ; to communicate to the Headquarters any informa- tion likely to be useful to the Society; to aid in the organization of Field Meetings; and generally to watch over the welfare and progress of the Club in their respective districts. Election of VII.—At an Ordinary Meeting in January or February nominations Officers. shall be made of Candidates to fill the offices of President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant-Secretary, the two Librarians, and vacancies on the Council. Such nominations as regards Members of the Council other than the President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant-Secretary, and Libra- rians, shall be made by resolutions, duly moved and seconded; no Mem- ber being entitled to propose more than one Candidate. The President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant-Secretary, and Librarians shall be nomi- * By a resolution of the Council made on March 6th 1900, the Headquarters and Main Library of the Club are now at the Essex Museum of Natural History, Romford Road, Stratford, Essex. 22