24 ESSEX FIELD CLUB YEARBOOK, 1908. one visitor at any such Meeting (who shall enter his or her name, with that of the Member by whom he or she is introduced, in a book kept for that purpose), and shall be entitled to receive a copy of any publica- tion of the Club, other than the "Essex Naturalist" at such reduced rate as may be determined by the Council; and to the use of the Library and Museum, in accordance with the regulations. Provided nevertheless that Ordinary Members paying 10s. 6d. per annum, in accordance with Rule X, shall be entitled to subscribe to the " Essex Naturalist" at the special rate of 4s. 6d. per annum, post free, and that Hon. Members, Life Members, and Ordinary Members paying 15s. and upwards per annum, and Associates, shall each be entitled to receive one copy of the " Essex Naturalist." Resignations. XV.—Members wishing to resign at the termination of any year are required to inform the Secretary, in writing, of their intention to do so, on or before the first day of November in that year, and Members not so giving notice of resignation shall be considered liable for the subscription for the year next ensuing. Meetings. XVI.—No fewer than eight Ordinary and six Council Meetings of the Club shall be held in each year, at such places and at such times as the Council may appoint. Field meetings shall also be held at such places and times as the Council may direct.* Minutes. XVII.—Minutes shall be kept of the proceedings at all Meetings of the Club and of those at all Meetings of the Council, and the Minutes of each Meeting of the Club (except Field Meetings) shall be read as the first business at the next Meeting (other than a Field Meeting), whether Annual or Ordinary, of the Club. And in like manner the Minutes of each Meeting of the Council shall be read at the next Meeting of the Council. Ordinary Meetings XVIII.—At the Ordinary Meetings the following business shall be transacted:—The Minutes of the last Meeting shall be read, and, if approved, confirmed; contributions to the Club since the last Meeting announced ; Certificates for new Members read ; Ballots for new Members taken ; specimens exhibited, and remarks made on the same ; communica- tions and papers read and discussed, and any other business which the Chairman or Secretary may think it desirable to bring before the Meeting, transacted. After which the Meeting shall resolve itself into a Conversazione. General XIX.—The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of Meeting. March, at which the Report of the Council on the affairs of the Club, and the Balance-sheet duly signed by the Auditors (to be appointed as provided by Rule XX), shall be read. Printed lists of Members nominated for election as President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant- Secretary, Librarians, and Members of the Council, having been distri- buted, and the Chairman having appointed two or more Members to act as Scrutineers, the Meeting shall then proceed to ballot for such elections. If from any cause these elections, or any of them, do not take place at this Meeting, they shall be made at the next Ordinary Meeting of the Club. Accounts. XX.—The accounts of the Club shall be made up to the 31st December in each year, and shall be audited by two Members, one to be appointed by the Council and one by the Members at the Ordinary Meeting in November or December. Field XXI.—The Field Meetings shall be under the entire control of the Meetings. Council, who may appoint a Secretary or Secretaries for their arrange- * It is recommended that two of the Council Meetings in each year should be held in County Centres for the consideration (in addition to any routine agenda) of such matters as Field Meetings, Exploration and Registration work, the enlargement of the membership roll, the perfecting of the County Collections in the Museums, and generally the discussion of subjects tending to the extension and improvement of the work of the Club. And it is desirable that the attention of members of the Council, and particularly of those residing at a distance from the Headquarters, be drawn to these bi-annual meetings, so that good and representative attendances, may be secured.