RULES. 25 ment and Lecturers, and make such other arrangements as they may deem best for the comfort of the Members and their friends. XXII.—The copyright in, and the original copy of every paper, after having been read before the Club, shall be considered as the property of the Club, if there shall be no engagement with its author to the contrary. But if the Club shall decline or omit to publish any paper for six calendar months after it shall have been read before the Club, such paper and the copyright therein shall remain and be the property of the author, the Club, however, having the right to take and retain for its own use one or more copy or copies of such paper. And the non-publication by the Club of any such paper for the period above mentioned shall constitute or be sufficient evidence of an engagement to the effect above mentioned with the author of the paper. XXIII.—The publications of the Club shall be printed at such times and in such manner as the Council shall direct. XXIV.—The Club shall strongly discourage the practice of removing rare plants from the localities where they are to be found or of which they are characteristic, and of risking the extermination of birds and other animals by wanton persecution; and shall use its influence with landowners and others for the protection of the same, and to dispel the prejudices which are leading to their destruction. The rarer botanical specimens collected at the Field Meetings shall be such as can be gathered without disturbing the roots of the plants; and notes of the habits of birds shall be recorded instead of collecting specimens either of the birds or of their eggs. In like manner the Club shall endeavour to cultivate a fuller knowledge of local antiquities, historical, popular, and idiomatic, and to promote a taste for carefully preserving the monuments of the past from wanton injury. [This rule is not intended to restrict the judicious collecting of specimens by individual Members necesssary for their studies.] XXV.—The principal MUSEUM shall be situated at Stratford, Essex, and its management shall be subject to the AGREEMENT made the 25th of July, 1898, which is set out in full in Appendix A. XXVI.—The conditions and restrictions contained in the Agreement of July 25th, 1898 (Appendix A) shall not apply to the Branch Museum established by the Council by permission of the Epping Forest Committee of the Corporation of London in Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Chingford, which is under the control of the Council subject to any agreement or agreements with the said Corporation, and the rules laid down by the said Epping Forest Committee. XXVII.—In like manner the conditions and restrictions mentioned in the previous Rule shall not apply to the Library or Libraries of the Essex Field Club which are the property of the Club, and under the control of the Council. The Libraries shall consist of books, MSS., prints, photographs, etc., appertaining in any way to the county of Essex, and also of scientific, antiquarian, topographical and other literature, and shall be for the use of the members only and such visitors as may be admitted under the regulations of the Librarians and Curator to be approved by the Council. XXVIII.—The Council may at its discretion promote the teaching and pursuit of science, and the application of science in technical education, etc., by means of Biological or other Stations, Lectures, Demonstrations, or otherwise, to the members or the public in various parts of the county, and may make temporary collections as occasion may demand in further- ance of such objects, and may accept donations or grants for specific application to such purposes, and may undertake the care or curatorship of collections in any part of the county. XXIX.—The general superintendence of the Museums and any Bio- logical, etc., Stations, and the business details thereof shall be placed (subject to the control of the Council) in the hands of a Curator (who may also be the principal Hon. Secretary and Editor of the Club) Papers read. Publications. Museum at West Ham. Epping Forest Museum. Library. Educational Work. Curatorship.