MUSEUMS DESIDERATA, AND HINTS ON COLLECTING FOR THE CLUB'S MUSEUMS. The collecting and preserving of specimens for the Local (Essex) Departments of the Club's Museums has been carried on vigorously during the last few years, but an immense amount of work yet remains to be done. Above all things is required Systematic Collecting in various parts of the county. If friends would take up definite groups, and endeavour to obtain all the species itt those groups occurring in their districts, they would find the occupation delightful and instructive, and the results would be valuable to our Museums, and would also improve our County Records, which are still largely incomplete. Cabinets, herbaria cases, jars, etc., are now ready for local specimens, and everyone contributing may be sure that all speci- mens sent in will be carefully conserved, determined, and registered for reference by students of the Natural History of Essex. Among objects particularly wanted are: — Many BIRDS (coast species especially), and authenticated EGGS and NESTS; Some species of MAMMALS (particularly certain of the rarer Bats, the Bank Vole, the Shrews, the Dormouse, the Harvest Mouse, the various forms of the Wood-mouse, etc.); FISHES from the Essex rivers, and the more uncommon Marine species; Many kinds of MARINE MOLLUSCA and CRUSTACEA; Some, of our rarer ECHINODERMATA, POLYZOA, and SPONGES. Insects of many families (particularly HEMIPTERA, ORTHOPTERA, and HYMENOPTERA); Authentic specimens of FLOWERING PLANTS from several parts of the County; LEAF FUNGI and LICHENS; And VARIETIES and ABERRATIONS in all sections. The Curator will be very glad to give advice as to any group, with hints on collecting, preservation, etc. Specimens should be sent addressed to Mr. W. COLE, Curator, at the Essex Museum of Natural History, Romford Road, Stratford, Essex; or, in the case of mammals and birds in the flesh, direct to the Taxidermists, Messrs. Sherrin Bros., 38, Fielding Road, Chiswick, London, W. A post-card should precede the specimens. Carriage may be charged forward. 38