TURDIDAE— WARBLERS. 83 Whitethroat: Sylvia cinerea. Locally, "Haychat"or"Hayjack." A very common summer visitor, arriving early in April and staying till September. I have, on one oc- casion, known it occur in Essex in mid-win- ter, a fresh specimen having been found dead by the gardener on a heap of coals in an outhouse at the residence of my friend Mr. H. Corder, at Great Baddow, on or about Dec. 22nd, 1886, after a heavy snow- storm. This is a most remarkable oc- currence. I find the following among Dr. Bree's notes (32a) :—"1871 —A nest with four eggs in quick-hedge COMMON WHITETHROAT, 1/3. in garden ; began to sit May 23rd ; young hatched June 3rd ; skedaddled on the 14th." Mr. Stacey, of Dunmow, has a remarkable variety which has the feathers of the bastard-wing white on both sides. Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla. A fairly- common sum- mer migrant, occurring, I believe, throughout the county. It arrives about the middle of April and de- parts in Sep- tember. Mr. Buxton says (47. 90) it is " common in the Forest and in gardens, but es- pecially in Wan- BLACKCAP, 1/2.