CUCULIDAE—CUCKOO. 153 Family CUCULIDAE. Cuckoo : Cuculus canorus. A common and very familiar summer visitant, arriving about the middle of April, or a little earlier, and leaves again late in August, though young birds often remain until much later. For instance, about the middle of October, 1877, a young bird was sent to Mr. Scruby of Ongar for preservation, and another was killed at the Swin Middle Lightship on Nov. a6th, 1885 (42). Mr. John Smith, of Brent- wood, possesses a specimen, killed at Upminster Common in June, 1885, which he des- cribes as being an adult female in brown plumage, the colour and markings on the upper parts being exactly similar to those on the hen Kestrel, while the under-parts resemble those of a young Cuckoo. In the Museum at Saffron Walden is a specimen which Mr. Gurney describes as "the most beautiful specimen of a young Cuckoo he ever saw." Mr. Smoothy has one shot by himself in Mann Wood, Ashdon, in May, 1850, which has the reddish back and tail of the young bird, while the breast is barred like that of the adult. It is a female, as an egg fell from it when shot.