178 THE BIRDS OF ESSEX. Order STEGANOPODES. Family PELECANIDAE. Cormorant: Phalacrocorax carbo. A common visitor to our coasts and estuaries from autumn to spring, but never met with inland in Essex, except occasionally, when blown there by severe storms : for instance, Edward Doubleday, in 1835, mentions (15) its having been killed at Harlow. They are not uncommon off Leigh (Sackett). At Harwich a few are seen every year (Kerry), Two were seen on Canvey Island on Sept. 15th, 1882 (Bird). Mr. Hope writes that they " come south in August and Septem- ber ; very common on the Main ; a large number can always be seen on the Buxey Beacon." Shag: Phalacrocorax graculus. An uncommon winter visitor to the coast. Sheppard and Whitear mention one (9. 59) which they saw " at a distance, swimming prodigiously fast " on the River Stour on September 30th, 1820. Gannet: Sula bassana. Locally, " Solan Goose." A fairly-common bird on the coast from autumn to spring, but it has no breeding-station in Essex. Alter severe storms in winter, it is sometimes found in an ex- hausted state far inland. Mr. C. Walford says (19. 58) that about 1830 one was "picked up in the snow at Terling, from which it appeared that it could not rise." Mr. Clarke mentions (24) the occurrence of imma- ture specimens at Ashdon in 1832, and at Saffron Walden in 1844 respectively. Both are (or were) in the Walden Museum, while in the Audley End Collection is a specimen obtained at