PELECANIDAE—GANNET. 179 Arkesden. Dr. Bree mentions (32a) a specimen taken alive at Wyvenhoe in Oct., 1863, and another shot at West Mersea in Dec, 1874. He also notes a fine male found in a dying state in one of the woods at Alresford early in May, 1868 (29. May 16). One was caught alive at Willingale on Dec. 12th, 1881. It was very savage, and bit a piece out of the hand of its captor (Chelmsford Chronicle, Dec. 16). Mr. Hope has seen them off the Outer Gabbard, and in Oct., 1888, he found a dead bird near Harwich, where, Mr. Kerry says, " A few are seen every year." Mr. Fitch has heard of one at Maldon, but cannot give particulars.